Legacy is Now Offering Telehealth to the Male Fertility World
One reason I founded Legacy was because of how uncomfortable it was to get my own sperm tested and stored years ago when I went to a clinic.
“Sir, please produce your specimen before our next patient at 4:00pm. Are you freezing your sperm because you have cancer, you’re getting a vasectomy, or because you’re transitioning to become a woman?”
Male fertility has always been about a ‘healthcare solution’ to a ‘healthcare’ problem, with no consideration for the men at the center of it, nor their partners. I promised myself that the company I built would instead make products so affordable, so trusted, and so customer-centric that it would become a no-brainer for every man to consider.
When Legacy launched, it was the first at-home sperm testing kit for male fertility, and one that finally took patients into consideration. In fact, we say “clients” — because we aim to treat you with the kind of client service you would expect at any leading institution.
Today, I am excited to announce another major first for us: Legacy is the first male fertility company to offer a telehealth product. Starting on Monday, you can use our product whether you are a current client, or simply thinking about your future fatherhood.
Why are we doing it?
Yesterday I announced we’ll be sending free kits to all cancer patients and offering free cryogenic storage to all clients for the duration of the COVID uncertainty. This is because accessibility is the core challenge clients are facing during the COVID pandemic.
They’re not in touch with their doctors, and they’re unable to get a face-to-face medical explanation for their fertility and how to improve it. They spoke and we listened: we’re adding a telemedicine product so that customers who want it can receive professional, medical advice on their fertility in the comfort of their own homes.
How will it work?
Starting next week, all our clients will be able to book time with REI Board Certified physicians to speak over a HIPAA-compliant video call. This service will be offered at no cost to Gold and Platinum clients, and will be offered at a nominal fee of $45 to Bronze clients to cover our costs of providing the service.
But we also know that couples, and especially the TTC community, want to speak to a doctor before beginning any fertility treatments. So starting next week, we’re offering tele-health as a stand-alone product to couples who could benefit from a conversation with a male fertility specialist, independent of whether they’re an existing client or not.
Accessibility matters. And as the leading fatherhood company, it’s our job to ensure accessibility for all. We will continue to share updates and initiatives in honour of National Infertility Awareness Week (#NIAW). Follow this Medium page.
Khaled Kteily
CEO, Legacy